Zulie Perfect Fans -Hollywood Blog on Celebrity Friends, Modeling, Acting

Monday, August 29, 2016

Brad &Angie and others on the Value of Our Friendship

I have been writing blogs about my friends, they decided it was their turn to say things about me. Since they have input on what I write about, here is the blog they wanted. Their response to me is a blog about our friendship.

Angelina Jolie - "Zulie's sense of humor inspires me.Her humor is one of the best. My kids are starting to imitate her. Sometimes, Pax likes to quote Zulie by Pax says "Did Jesus say I had to do that? then I don't" I love Zulie or Evonne as we call her. Our friendship is important to me. Brad and I laugh at her and with her often."

Brad Pitt - "Zulie is the one person I would be with if I was not with Angie. The Angelina and Zulie make me feel happy. I would not be the same without her. Zulie makes sure to say things to me that lift me up higher than I thought I could be. The time we spent together lives with me. Whenever I think of her, I want to see her. We get together often."
Tom Cruise - "Zulie's loving ways touches me.At any moment, she can do something that is completely unexpected, and the way she behaves makes me smile. Other times, she does something that is so wonderful and loving that I fall for her all over again. Zulie loves more than most women can. She always says adoration is a gift you give yourself. Our relationship is like a rock.It keeps us going and bouncing through the days. Zulie is the one person I turn to. Loving her is easy because she is always saying how much I mean to her and it is always in a meaningful way."

David Spade- " Zulie and I have been through a lot together. We know each other almost as if we can
read each other's mind. That kind of closeness is unique for me. Adam Sandler is the only other person who can do that with me, but he is not my type.It doesn't stop him from trying in a joking way. The love Zulie and I have has grown over the years. Her husband is an excellent addition to my group."

Nicole Kidman- "I love Zulie like a sister. Turning to each other for love and support is commonplace for both of us. I enjoy spending time with Zulie. We always have fun. Keith loves Zulie because she makes fun a way of life. Zulie is sillier than anyone else we know. Her loving side, brings out joy. I love the way she brings up God throughout the day in so many ways. Religion is lighthearted to Zulie and its always positive."

 If you want to learn more about me, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, David Spade, Peyton Manning ,Ricky Gervais, Michael Buble or other celebrities check out my sites.