Zulie Perfect Fans -Hollywood Blog on Celebrity Friends, Modeling, Acting

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

When Peyton Manning Comes to Visit Me

There are 2 private small airports within a few miles of my home. Peyton Manning has his own plane and is able to go anywhere he pleases at any time he wishes. The convenience of two private airports that close to my home makes it easy for anyone to visit us. Slipping in and out unnoticed isn't difficult. By using other names,the game of "Catch Me if You Can." is easy to win.

Peyton's smile is the first thing that greets anyone who meets him. It is a pleasant reminder of how much he cares of you and how happy he is to spend time with you. Peyton's laugh is the second thing that starts when he arrives. Peyton Manning has one of the happiest personalities I have ever had the pleasure of being with. He comes and visits us usually as a surprise. Peyton has been doing it for years. My kids are not aware of when he visits because he is not sure of how they would respond to him. I had not watched any football for many years until this year so to me he was just Peyton. I know it is hard for some to believe that the football legend of Peyton Manning was not how I saw him because Peyton is part of our culture. If you consider I am a person who does not watch football or tv, then you can understand why I did not see him as a celebrity but rather a most wonderful guy I am lucky to know. I prefer to watch dvds and netflix of cartoon or comedies that are often British comedies or tv shows that are not current.

Peyton Manning opens doors for  all women and patiently waits for them to walk inside. He treats everyone to ice cream because it is one of his favorite ways of saying "I love you" even if he shouldn't because the person is on a diet. Peyton makes it very hard to say no to his offer of ice cream. If you give in to him, he gets excited by knowing he won. It is really cute to see the little twinkle in his eye when he gets his way.Yes, Peyton is a kid at heart and that is a part of him that I find very loveable. His playfulness is is what makes him sweet to be around. You never know what he is going to do, but you always know you're going to be glad you joined in on it.

Sometimes Peyton makes charity runs without anyone knowing and he delivers toys and gifts to the poor of all over. He keeps his runs silent and the media never hears a word about it. He is like a Secret Santa .The secret is no one knows about it but the people he surprises. Peyton wants it that way because he does not want the attention that the media brings to be on him but rather he simply wants to bring joy to others. Silently Great is a description my Godfather would have used to describe Peyton Manning's gifting behavior. I think there is also that little bit of joy of thinking he got way with something even if what he got away with was only silently spreading joy. I have always noticed that "Catch me if you Can " is fun for Peyton. It is fun for me to think of him that way as a Secret Santa.

If you ever want to see someone get excited more than they can say in words, mention hippity hops or the other names they are sold by to Peyton and watch the reaction. We both love them. It is also part of an inside joke we share about placing them in the Vatican , the Oscars, and Washington as a means of environmentally friendly transportation. Peyton has delivered the bouncy balls to certain VIPs on my behalf. We both chuckle about it. The vision of seeing those important people and their staff bouncing to and fro all over with their security trying to adjust to the new means of transportation runs through both our minds. Be both know it would be creating chaos so as to speak in a very pleasant conscientious way. Peyton's mischievous side is always doing good for others. Eli Manning is just as much fun as his big brother. Getting the two of them together is so much fun. It's a party every time and the chaos is exciting. I wonder if they both were born as comedians and football was their second choice. Both Eli and Peyton Manning are fun and funny to be around.

If you want to learn more about me, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, David Spade, Peyton Manning ,Ricky Gervais, Michael Buble ,Matthew Morrison or other celebrities check out my sites.