Friday, May 14, 2021

Fun with Prince Harry

 Prince Harry and I decided to take the boat out on the lake that was tied up behind the cabin where he was staying. He likes to fish and I like to try to fish. It is such a relaxing experience to float on the
water and wait for the bite. I enjoy watching the water's gentle rolls. It is so peaceful. Prince Harry is a very fun person to spend time with and he alway shas been. We were as happy as two clams. I would like to say we caught a lot of fish, but I only recall catching two and releasing them back into the water. Prince Harry had a cooler with sandwiches, fruit, cheese and some other snacks. In the distance, there were several boats on the water. Everyone had their own space which meant it was very secluded or at least it felt that way.  We stayed on the water for several hours before we decided to go back to shore. This was before Meghan entered his life, but she wasn't far off his radar.

Meghan changed Harry in so many ways. He says his life as a husband and father is more rewarding than he could have imagined. They are selectively choosing appearances and work which gives them the freedom to nurture themselves and others more. Their involvement has grown into different charity work and they are both always mindful of each other in their plans or assignments. Harry and Meghan have such a unique close bond which began almost form the moment they met. They have a magic that others admire. Finding true love in any situation is challenging and dynamic, but they have done it. There is always a sparkle in Meghan's and Harry's eyes when they glance upon each other. It is very cute, but it also shows their sensitive nature. Meghan is the kind of mother that the Prince calls a constant mother. Her mind is always with her babies. Being a mother is a role Meghan waited for what seemed like a long time to find the right person to start her family with and being a mother is her favorite role. Harry has so many nice htings to say about Meghan both with her and when he is on his own. They are just so sweet on each other and in a way it is like Jon Bon Jovi and his wife. Both couples share the instinct for each other and devoteness that is contagiuosly uplifting. I am glad they have each other in both cases for the dynamics of all of them would be completely different without the magic oment when their eyes connected and time stopped. 

One of the my favorite memories of Prince Harry is when he played a trick on the staff. I have always been a good buddy to him. I am like one of the guys. I stayed in one of the Royal families' homes that he use to enjoy. He had me stay in his room and he stayed in mine. This switch threw off the staff who didn't know where he was at the time. Prince Harry and I had to sneak around to pull this off within the home. We created a stir because the Prince was missing.  Then they thought I was sharing Harry's room which was not like us since we have always been pals. Then the other staff thought he was sleeping in my room. It was so surprising to them to think of us in that way there shocked and blown away expressions were funny. Prince Harry and I do not have that type of dynamic at all so they couldn't believe what was going on. It took everyone a few minutes to figuire out that we had just switched bedrooms to play a trick on them and no monkey business had gone on. Harry likes to play good hearted jokes with his close staff. The Queen heard about it later. I am told she laughed. 

We had a lovely lunch with some of his friends after the confusion had settled and the joke was over. I

am trying to recall the details of the fun, but it seems like a blurr now. Sometimes, I think creating a journal would hve been a create idea from day one, but I didn't at that time. As much as I like cameras, I also never seem to think of taking the photo or the selfie. For me it is like seeing friends and family is for me not for insta. Life moves so fast that thoughts of scrapbooking never cross my mind. 

If you want to learn more about me, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, David Spade, Peyton Manning, Nicole Kidman, Michael Buble or other celebrities check out my sites.

Here is a link to my celebrity humor and other funny stories.

Celebrity makeup tips and more on the site as well.