Saturday, June 23, 2018

David Spade's Favorite Date

David often tells me his favorite date with me was when we went swimming in one of the lakes in Ohio. He prepared ahead a wonderful picnic basket with fruit slices and I brought along a piece of cake to share. We fed each other the vanilla cake. David is such a romantic. David brought along some salad since he knows  I love blue cheese, salmon and apples on my mixed green salads. It is a favorite meal of mine that I eat several times a week. We both enjoy fish, but not  as much as Brad Pitt enjoys oysters. David thought I should add that to tease Brad and I know Brad will get a kick out of the joking. They both are very easy going guys and they have so much in common.
Blog about David Spade

He always has a well stocked cooler even though he does not drink much,not as much as he use to. 
David Spade's favorite dates

I almost added this as an update to my last blog on my favorite comedian, but I thought more people would see it this way and several people had a few questions so David helped me out.

We enjoyed a swim in the water and relaxing in the chairs he brought along was the best. He is a great swimmer. I like to play in the water by pretending I am a mermaid. We stayed at the lake for several hours. When David Spade is having a good time, he likes to sit back and let things happen.
He has a blue and white swimsuit that he likes. I have worn several types of bikinis but my favorite now is Venus swimwear bra styles. Holly Madison also has a couple of Venus swimwear bikinis.
Zulie in Venus bikini
One of my favorite Venus bikinis

If you want to learn more about me, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, David Spade, Peyton Manning ,Ricky Gervais, Michael Buble or other celebrities check out my sites.