Both Princes loved to host pool parties. The Queen has a nice selection of floaties that she keeps around for the grandchildren and others. Prince Harry loves to use the huge panda. That was his favorite one.
Harry could often be found floating around surrounded by huge panda arms. Prince William liked to rest upon the very large rubber duckie style floatie. It was hysterical to see them both trying to flip each other over. Spontaneous games of water polo and volleyball sprang up almost every weekend. The staff kept quiet about the comings and goings in order to insure the privacy of the family and of those who were invited. It was a secret club that remains to this day. The sanctity of this inner circle of friends has been carefully guarded .The fun that inner group creates within Buckingham and other palaces is priceless.
Princess Eugenie was like the little sister to both Prince William and Prince Harry. They often invited her over when they hosted events. She is a great buddy and has a vivacious sense of humor that they both found fun to have around.
Queen Elizabeth's sense of humor has always been prevalent. Those who know her often share funny stories of the times they have been caught off guard by one of the Queen's well timed comments. As we all do, Prince William and Prince Harry like to share family memories and the funny times with their Grandmother are some of their favorite. When you consider that Queen Elizabeth and her entire family are highly intelligent and a sign of a high IQ is a great sense of humor then all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. She occasionally likes to enjoy a caffeinated sparkling beverage which tickles her nose. Its all tongue and cheek with a little wink in there for the fun of it.

Speaking of fun in the sun. I love the ocean and I love to envision myself back by the sea when I meditate. Here is a photo of me from last weekend. Enjoy the day and the warmth of the summer sun as it comes closer to us with each passing day.
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