Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Catching up with Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt has a secret hotel that he loves to go to. I recall the chaos we caused on one visit to the hotel. The staff forgot to read his memo listing me as one of his approved visitors. I had been there before. Sometimes staff changes occur which can create an impact. Brad Pitt's celebrity status combined with the hotel's awareness that their place was chosen by him as a trusted location for him to enjoy, created a kink in our plan to meet up and have lunch in the hotel's bar. They go the extra mile to maintain his secrecy. The hotel staff  had me check in across the street while they got the clearance. I always mention his name when I check in and the hotel staff is very courtesy. Security was tight but Brad got the feeling something was wrong after the bartender commented he knew I wouldn't no show Brad especially single Brad. We go back a long time, we have been close for a big part of our lives. Wisconsin was one meeting place we both travelled to for vacation. Skiing in remote cabins of Wisconsin is still possible. Cross country skiing is such a good workout. For those exercise buffs, Brad has a cross country skiing machine he enjoys, but lately he has been enjoying Pilates and yoga for the tranquility of the movement. Qui Gong is enjoyable to him, but he says he does know how to do it very well.
While Brad was waiting at the bar, I was trying to get my luggage clearance to come through. Normally it is not this difficult since over the years many of his staff know to look out for me and they take care of everything without a glitch. This time it was funny but at the time a little overwhelming. When I first came in the hotel, I saw Brad from a distance so I knew he was in the building. I had not run into the hotel security yet and was on my way to front desk to get the clearance identified in order to begin our evening. Brad was working on a movie at the time. He had checked into the hotel a few weeks before I had arrived. He does not usually stay in hotels long but this hotel was very guarded and a favorite place for him with a lot of good memories. He had a drink of gin and tonic. Since it was the middle of the day the hotel bar was very quiet.

brad pitt magazine cover
Once we got all of our stuff set up, we decided to go out on the town. Brad popped a hat on and dark glasses which was just enough to leave doubt in the minds of certain observers as to who he was. Before we left, Brad bent over and kissed me on the cheek in that special way he does. I got another quick public kiss at the restaurant. He is such an affectionate person. Brad took me to an out of the way place with American cuisine. I had a beautifully prepared cod dish and Brad enjoyed a slice of lasagna. We held hands throughout dinner. The restaurant was well known for their variety of menu selections. I almost went for the lasagna as well since it looked like a yummy dish and I saw it being brought out by a server for another table. The waiters took a couple of selfies that Brad willingly complied. The evening was a world wind. It seems when I am caught up in the pleasure of good conversation and even better company, then I get lost in time. The evening goes so quickly.

This is such a nice magazine cover, I hope everyone picks it up and GQ has great taste in topics. They are good at interviews not just from a man's perspective but topics and people that appeal to both sexes.

Another little secret about Brad, I was given permission to share, is that he has maintained a good friendship with Warren Beatty over the years. The two are good friends. He recently mentioned that if Nicole Kidman was single he would have asked her out on a date and then Brad smiled. He felt that  not only is Nicole Kidman one of the funniest celebrities in Hollywood who knows how to have fun but he was told she is a great kisser. Brad would not reveal his sources on Nicole's kissing talent. It does not surprise me since Nicole is very passionate and Keith is always smiling. Brad then continued to say he did not think Nicole Kidman would go out with him because she likes a smooth sexy guy and Brad says he is not as sexy as Keith Urban , Nicole's husband. Brad said that with a smile. Brad Pitt is always humble. Its part of his charm. He likes to play with me, so I never know what he is going to say or what he is trying to set up.He has one of the most playful personalities of any of Hollywood's leading men. Until next time, when I pick up wherever we left off.

A short side note, Brad mentioned that he started taking dancing lessons. I know he is a terrific dancer already. He also wanted me to thank Kate Hudson for the times she let him sleep over on her coach. Its a running joke they have about his living style. Kate likes to tease and she is very good at it.

If you want to learn more about me, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, David Spade, Peyton Manning ,Nicole Kidman, Michael Buble or other celebrities check out my sites. 
Here is a link to my celebrity humor and other funny stories 
Celebrity makeup tips and more on the site as well.