Zulie Perfect Fans -Hollywood Blog on Celebrity Friends, Modeling, Acting

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Nicole Kidman's Creative Hobbies

Nicole Kidman has recently started sewing and creating dresses for her girls and their dolls is a new fun habit. She knows I have been working on a style of doll that is part sculpture and part carving. It is kind of hard to explain but each carving is very unique. Nicole expressed an interest in learning to create dolls as collectibles like the ones you see in a china cabinet or on display. We both like the ornate faces and are drawn to beautiful objects. Nicole mentioned she would love it if I created a unicorn for her. She knows I have been creating sculpture for awhile. I am getting quite confident in it. I will work for hours at a time just completely lost in creating. Art is a part of my chemistry since I never go very long without creating art in some media. The visual arts like dance, acting and even singing are included throughout the day at random times. Nicole knows how much I love to break out a song and doing the housework while dancing means I enjoy what many do not. 

Another little secret about Nicole Kidman is that she bakes her own Christmas cookies. Now with her daughters getting older, they join in the fun of baking. If she is working on the set of a film or makes a tv appearance, Nic will bring along some of her Christmas cookies. She is an old fashioned girl in a lot of ways.

Such a sweet photo of Nicole, Keith and their daughters
Recently, Nicole has been teasing me about is the Nature Conservancy approaching her trying to get photos of her turtle rescue foundation and her at home Turtle Reservation. From what she says if the magazine gets their way, you might be seeing her turtles on their pages. The animal lover has mentioned adding ducks to her wildlife collection. Nicole is a great philanthropist - in and out of the public eye. She says Jon Bon Jovi might even add to his homestead a wildlife park after I went public about the reindeer incident. Jon is a huge animal lover so I would not put it past him to have some support in the form of funding going to the care and preservation of animals.
I thought these easy to make Reindeer cookies would be perfect for Jon and Nicole.

While writing a few of her favorite things to do, I thought of how much Nicole loves water slides. They are a favorite. She giggles and smiles with the biggest smile every time she goes flying down one.

Nicole Kidman writes poetry and making up new words to songs is an extension  of her poetry talent. She is a gifted Haiku composer.

One night Nicole and I decided to go to a local bar. She has place she likes to go to and the bartenders know her as Nicky. She has them call her that because it is not a name she is known by very often. I dont know how she got the name Nicky but it is her wild side bar name. Nic is her usual public nickname but Nicky has a sort of flair that in this bar atmosphere it works very well. She lets her hair down. The bartender's always hook her up. She is not a heavy drinker. Keith Urban knows she goes there sometimes and he tags along when he wants to. This time he was not with us. Nicole has known me for a long time. Keith, is one of the most considerate and genuinely loving men. He always asks Nicole how I am especially if he has not heard her mention  me in a while. he knows we have a great time together. Feeding each other's girliness and creative muses is one aspect of our friendship that Keith seems to like. Keith Urban always has such a positive outlook. He always says such nice things to everyone he meets. I know I have said David Spade and some of the other people I write about all say loving expressions on a regular basis. It is true because these guys are all some of the happiest as well as most giving people. Nicole and I had a booth towards the back of the bar. We walked in and joined a few friends we had who were already there. I know that several people inside recognized her since she had to stop and sign autographs which was unusual in private outings like this bar. Most often when people see Nicole in a non publicity event, dont disturb her. If its a publicity or work event then it is very common for people to ask for autographs or pictures. Most people who do see Nicole in a private situation talk to her like she is an ordinary new person they are meeting and it is a very relaxed feeling for both or they simply stay away without approaching her.

 I have a good friend, Rachel, who taught at Oxford University Main Campus in England for years. She attended some amazing events with fantastic people some very well known and others that are well known in certain circles but all incredible. Some people wonder why she never took photos. I think it is because her descriptives bring the event back to life each time. She has amazing memories and an incredible experiences that become clear to you when she speaks. Her Oxford papers are the physical ties to those years. 

Nicole Kidman is one of those people, like my Oxford friend, who speaks quietly of the best things in life contained in their memories as they live their lives living joyfully in the moment. It's commonly called being in the flow. I think I explained before being in the flow is when your so happily engaged in what you are doing that you forget time and you're in the moment. When you remember the flow moments ,you can recall more of the beautiful details in it. The real Nicole Kidman is one of the most beautiful spirits and she fills her friends with so much sunshine it is really hard to explain.
Another image from my workout photos

If you want to learn more about me, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, David Spade, Peyton Manning ,Ricky Gervais, Michael Buble or other celebrities check out my sites.