We decided to go for a walk amongst the worlds and explore the movies sets around us. The two of us went our cuddly coach. As we walked, I saw there were living rooms, hallways, kitchens and other sets but what impressed me most was how small they were. The sets had a lot of details in them. I liked the items and artwork that was placed on each. It is amazing to think of how the entire world on each set has to be well thought out and created down to the finest detail or the film does not have the impact that the conceptual people are trying to create. Each location had a surreal feeling. A few people came and went while the tour continued.

The Sci Fi set was very cool. I don't know what movie it was from. I just recall how unique it was to explore.Tom liked to show me how things worked in different places that had a meaning to him or that he just simply liked. There was a laser on a command station in the SciFi set. The gun was a metallic blue with a sleek design. Tom picked it to show me how to make the laser fire. The laser fire was interesting as I imagined what it looks like on the big screen. I still have a fondness for Scifi lasers. He had keys to all the prop rooms at each location. We walked towards the Western set again and the buildings had just facades. We spent hours at the studio going from place to place, scene to scene. It was a magical night.
If you want to learn more about me, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, David Spade, Peyton Manning ,Nicole Kidman, Michael Buble or other celebrities check out my sites.
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