Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Reasons I Admire My Friend Nicole Kidman

I have known Nicole Kidman for several years and she always seems to amaze me. I love her sense of humor and her loving ways. She has a warm spirit that is always on the forefront of everything she does. People who are genuine and pure are always special to me. The qualities Nicole Kidman expresses in her quotes are often feelings I share with her and some of them are feelings or ideas we have discussed. Nicole Kidman is a beautiful person to me who always makes a terrific grand entrance that makes each place she goes come to life in a fun and joyous way. Just thinking about the way she appears, makes me smile. Other people who know her express that same admiration and fondness for her grand entrance and arrival is really wonderful to experience. The disguises Nicole Kidman uses when she comes to visit me are part of the fun, often surprises me. Nicole knows how to make herself look so completely different that you would never in a million years know it was her. Nicole is great with the art of applying prosthetics like the ones used in theatre productions. Because of her commitments, I don't get to see he as often as I would like to but I know she keeps me in her prayers and vice versa.
The bond between us has grown over the past few years and I have enjoyed getting to know her better.
The religious backgrounds we both come from makes us both feel lucky. It is also a common bond we share. Expressing the value of gratitude towards God for so many things is a shared belief.
When times are hard Nicole always says something that lifts my spirit back up. Whether it is funny, profound or comforting, Nicole Kidman has a direct line to understanding the exact words to say. Nicole Kidman has a great gift in connecting that many see in her gifted performances.

Acting is creating life. It is an art form that enables a person to bring forth aspects of themselves and then assign those aspects to a new creation that becomes the character they are portraying. The diversity of Nicole's many roles shows how beautifully complex and sensitive she is. I enjoy playing improvisation games with her and we both are capable of popping out a character at any time to add to the fun of whatever we are doing. For example adding an accent to a discussion that makes the discussion funnier or accentuates the mood we are setting like when I suddenly bring out my Russian flamboyant persona that must be a Russian Aristocrat or when Nicole brings out her Southern Belle country accent. The new accent feels fun and freeing to do and also fun to watch as one or the other of us starts the playful characterizations.

Nicole Kidman has so many talents. She is a great singer ,dancer and actress. There are so many things she can do. Nicole Kidman brings to the lives of those she knows is pure joy in every sense of the word. I am very grateful for the fun times we have shared together and the blessings she brings into my life by being such an amazing person and such a great friend. Nicole Kidman is one of the prettiest roses Kentucky has in its garden.

If you want to learn more about me, Tosh, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, David Spade, Peyton Manning ,Ricky Gervais, Michael Buble or other celebrities check out my sites.